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Increase in Store Conversion Rate With a Revamp

Brand Summary

Clarks is a globally recognized British footwear brand and  is celebrated for its commitment to producing high-quality shoes that cater to a wide range of preferences and occasions, making it a trusted name in the footwear industry worldwide.

The Challenge

The website layout lacked visible product listings, resulting in a high number of redirects and increased back-and-forth navigation to find the desired products. This layout does not provide a seamless user experience and leads to customer drop off.


To address this issue, we have implemented a user-friendly solution by introducing practical placeholders and scrollable collections. This update significantly enhances the accessibility of browsing through the website, allowing users to easily discover and explore products without the need for excessive clicking and navigation. Additionally, we have incorporated a filter feature for the collection page. These enhancements ensure that users can conveniently access desired information and products, ultimately improving the overall conversion rate.

Before Revamp

After Revamp

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